Greenpeace statement on the ongoing war in Gaza

Greenpeace urges that both the Israeli government and Hamas unequivocally agree to support and abide by the UN Security Council Ceasefire resolution (2735) in full. To declare an immediate and permanent ceasefire now. We call for the bullets and bombs to be silenced so that the growing voices for peace can be heard.

Over 250 days have passed since the horrific events of October 7th saw more than 1,200 Israelis killed in a single day at the hands of Hamas. Around 250 people were taken hostage. 120 hostages remain in Gaza.

Since that day the horror has been compounded many times over. 37,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces. The majority of Gaza’s 2.3 million people have been forced to flee their homes. Much of Gaza has been reduced to rubble, famine and disease are rife, nowhere and no one is safe. Sanity and humanity must be restored in the face of this unfolding genocide.

Since the outset Greenpeace has supported calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire. We call on Hamas to immediately release all hostages. We call for the Israeli Government to immediately end the blockades on the supply of food, water, medicine and fuel to the people of Gaza and release all illegally detained civilians.

Violence is never the answer, it only brings more violence. Beyond the urgent need to end the civilian suffering and ecological devastation, all parties must resume peaceful negotiations towards a lasting peace built on safety, justice and equal rights for all. International law must be upheld.

The International Court of Justice has warned that the Israeli government’s actions could  amount to genocide. It has called for an end to the assault on Rafah. And now the UNHR ‘Independent Commission of Inquiry on Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem and Israel‘, has found that the Israeli authorities are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The Commission has also concluded that Hamas has committed war crimes.

Greenpeace calls for a global embargo on all arms sales and transfers that could be used to further increase the toll of war crimes to be answered by both sides once this war and conflict ends.

Greenpeace recognises the deep historic roots that need to be discussed and negotiated if a permanent peace is to be established. Greenpeace calls for an end to the illegal occupation of Palestine. Greenpeace supports the UNSC Resolution ambition that “Israel and Palestine, live side by side in peace within secure and recognised borders, consistent with international law and relevant UN resolutions.”



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