FossilFreeNews – Power Up for Climate Solutions

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We’ve got some exciting news to share. Get ready to mark your calendars for a special global mobilisation happening this November. We can’t wait!

Power Up will take on the fossil fuel industry, and call for fair, clean, community-centred renewable energy solutions to save our planet. But, we can’t do it alone; we need you, your family, your squad, in fact your whole community to join in!

We’ve all seen the devastating impacts of this climate crisis, either firsthand or through our loved ones in different parts of the world. We want to make waves, we want to take it to the streets, call out the fossil fuel giants for their outrageous profits and push for the renewable energy powered future we want to see.

Are you ready? November’s going to be a game-changer, and we want you there alongside us.

Why don’t you join our Fossil Free mailing list for all the latest stories on climate organizing from around the world? Stories that matter. Campaigns that inspire. All delivered directly to you every month!

In Case You Missed It

European Commission, time to level up and aim high! and other organisations collaborated on an Open Letter to the European Commission urging them to step up their game. This came as a response to the G20 Ministerial meeting that just happened on July 22 – gathering the world’s major economies to tackle critical issues, including the climate crisis.

We believe it is time for the European Commission to set the bar higher and soar to new heights in the climate movement! The current lack of ambition for a global renewable energy target is a concern, and we urgently call for a bolder approach. The science is crystal clear – a yearly deployment of 1.5 Terawatt (TW) of renewable power from 2030 onwards is a must!🌱🔬

With the planet’s future at stake, we can’t afford to settle for less. To stay below 1.5 degrees of heating and prevent the climate crisis from getting worse, we need to shift action and make a clear commitment. European Commission, it’s time to lead the charge and adopt a 1.5TW target for a brighter, greener future. 💫💚

People power prevails as Whitehaven Coal’s $1B debt facility expires

On July 17, the Move Beyond Coal movement achieved a major victory. After relentless campaigning from our colleagues in Australia and the Pacific Climate Warriors in over 60 locations, Whitehaven Coal’s $1 billion rotating debt facility has expired. Which is like a magical credit card that refills as you pay off what you owe.

This news is a win for frontline communities including the Gomeroi people, farmers and land holders in New South Wales and Queensland who have been fighting fossil fuel development and Whitehaven Coal’s destructive mines and finance for decades. The impact of Australia’s coal addiction has also affected frontline communities across the Pacific, making this victory all the more significant.

This victory is a win for all of us! It’s a step closer to a coal-free world, saving lives, jobs, and our precious ecosystems. Our mission continues until Australia and the rest of the world is coal free. Let’s remember there’s no room for coal.

We need to keep advocating for cleaner, renewable alternatives and remind these corporations to be eco-friendly. Let’s march on, side by side, towards a brighter, sustainable world. We got this🌱🌞

Protests in Australia to STOP the National Australian Bank financing Whitehaven Coal. Photo-credit: Pacific Climate Warriors Melbourne 

Grill the Parties, Not the Planet

The Canada team cooked up something exciting for those who took part in the Canada is Burning day of action.

Canada launched this campaign right when parts of the country were literally on fire from devastating wildfires. While communities are facing tough times, federal politicians are out there, having barbecues and meet-and-greets with folks. But why not turn up the heat on the slow progress towards the climate crisis and grill those MPs instead during the barbecue season?

The demands are simple: they need to support the just transition legislation. It’s about putting Indigenous consent, sovereignty, and knowledge in the spotlight, and making sure workers and communities come before corporate interests.

Let’s fire it up for a greener future!

It’s called the Néstor Kirchner pipeline and it is not a solution 

Instead of investing in renewable energy, the Argentina’s government is going all-in on the oil and gas industry, but here’s the kicker – it’s causing some irreversible damage to our people and the environment!

Fracking, the technique used to extract oil and gas from the Vaca Muerta basin, is not only costly but also wreaks havoc on the water, land, physical health complications and even triggers earthquakes! Some countries have in fact banned the technique due to its destructive nature. Sadly, the most affected are the Indigenous and local communities, who have been fighting against this for years in Vaca Muerta.

Plus, the entire project is going against the global pact of transitioning to clean, renewable energy sources. Governments need to think beyond the short-term gains and consider the long-lasting impacts of this fossil fuel frenzy. It’s time to stake a stand for a sustainable future, powered by renewables, that benefits us all – before it’s too late!

Area image during the construction of the gas pipeline. Ph: Mario De Fina

One to Watch

The fossil fuel industry has been pulling some sneaky tricks on us, trying to make gas seem like some kind of climate crisis saviour. But let’s get real here – it’s actually a major polluter, wreaking havoc on our planet. Don’t fall for their greenwashing!

If you really want to know about the chaotic impacts of gas in places like Argentina, Nigeria and beyond, check out this eye-opening video. It’s time to see the truth and take action.

These big polluters are raking in billions while they exploit our beautiful planet and our communities globally. Let’s use that money to pave the way for a just transition to renewable energy that benefits all of us. Let’s fight for a greener, cleaner future together!

Use Your Power

Calling all climate advocates!

Let’s take action and rally for the release of Hoang Thi Minh Hong and other climate activists who have been unjustly imprisoned. Vietnam’s bold climate goals were made possible through the efforts of people like her and others.

However, the alarming detentions of these brave souls not only threaten climate progress within Vietnam but also undermine the nation’s vital role as a climate-affected country and emerging economy. We must demand a just and inclusive response to climate change, where civil society feels empowered to participate without fear.

Stand with us for climate justice and human rights, because one cannot exist without the other. Take action – send a letter to your regional minister urging them to support their freedom. Free Hong, Free Them All.


If you are reading this from Europe, and dealing with the scorching heat, we’ve got just the article for you to beat the heatwaves and stay cool.

With temperatures soaring, it’s vital to protect ourselves, and we’ve come up with five ways to do just that. Let’s face this heatwave head-on and make sure we stay cool and safe.

Remember, heatwaves can be a health risk, but with our tips, you’ll be able to keep your homes and bodies from overheating. So let’s stay cool, everyone!


 Quote of the month

“⁠We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference.”

— Nelson Mandela

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Behind Néstor Kirchner’s Gas Pipeline

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Accélérer les progrès vers l’objectif de développement durable n° 8

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