Hi, my name is Chris and I’m a climate campaigner with 350 Canada. Read my top people-powered moments from the last year and learn about some of the exciting plans for 2022.
After years of pressure from our climate movement, the Trudeau government is signaling that it will put forward Just Transition legislation early in 2023. We are already preparing for that and will be ready to push for a bold and ambitious Just Transition Act that matches the scale of the climate crisis and leaves no one behind.
2022 was not shy in showing us the impacts of the climate crisis around here, showing us once again that delaying climate action is not an option. And we don’t intend to scale down the pressure!
Canada just went through another summer of extreme heat and fires, followed by the unprecedented destruction of Hurricane Fiona. Throughout, we worked hard to connect the dots between the worsening impacts of climate change and the fossil fuel billionaires blocking action.
In June, we organized a day of action to mark the one-year anniversary of the deadly heat wave that hit Canada in 2021. We called on politicians to take real action and stop approving fossil fuel expansion in the midst of a climate emergency.
Later in the summer, we launched a storytelling project where people shared personal accounts of living through climate disasters. Sharing our stories is one of the most powerful tools we have for raising awareness and bringing more people into this fight.
Before joining the movement, I worked in communications for the Alberta Government and saw firsthand how the fossil fuel industry has captured our political system. At the same time, I saw the rise of the youth climate strikes around the world and a wave of inspiring nonviolent civil disobedience. I was moved by their stories of resistance, and felt the urge to do something about what I was seeing in my day to day. So I quit my job and got deeply involved in local climate groups, before I joined 350 as a digital campaigner.
It angers me that governments around the world continue to approve fossil fuel megaprojects and hand out billions in subsidies to oil and gas companies. Here, Canadians have shown time and again that we are ready for a cap on oil and gas production, not just emissions; that we are ready for a tax on the fossil fuel industry’s excess profits; and that we are ready for a rapid, just transition to 100% clean energy.
It’s past the time for Trudeau to shift into true climate emergency mode and take meaningful action – and in 2023 we will make sure to keep bringing more people into the movement to make that happen.