TODAY is the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China’s (ICBC) annual general meeting. Right now, shareholders are deciding its plans for the coming year, which will impact our future and the future of the planet.
And because ICBC won’t ask any of us about what energy projects it should finance or whose lives are harmed by the fossil fuel projects it funds, we must take this opportunity to tell them – turn off the money tap to fossil fuels.
The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) in Africa risks harming local communities, endangering wildlife, and tipping the world closer to climate breakdown. ICBC, being one of the major finance advisers to EACOP, still has a chance to turn its back on this dangerous project.
ICBC is the world’s biggest financier of fossil fuel projects – but they still have time to clean up their act and be on the right side of history. They claim to be a leader in sustainability, but their actions tell otherwise.
Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have been raising their voices for banks like ICBC to stop fueling the fire of climate change. EACOP, and all the other fossil fuel projects, are the last thing we need at a time like this.
This week, actions worldwide are happening to demand that ICBC drops the EACOP and scrap all its fossil fuel finance everywhere.
In front of the ICBC Melbourne office to remind ICBC of its commitment to sustainability and a just transition. Shareholders must ask questions at ICBC’s AGM about ICBC advising on climate and community-destroying fossil fuel projects #GoCleanICBC #StopEACOP
— Market Forces (@market_forces) June 22, 2022
Go Clean ICBC
“ICBC Can Heal The world without Coal”
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) akan rapat pemegang saham tahunan 23 Juni 2022. Yuk Ajak ICBC berhenti Mendanai kehancuran planet ini & menjadi mitra sejati mewujudkan Transisi Energy dan Net Zero Emission.— Yayasan Srikandi Lestari (@SrikandiYayasan) June 17, 2022
In front of the #ICBC Luxembourg office to remind ICBC of its commitment to sustainability and a just transition. Shareholders must ask questions at ICBC’s AGM about ICBC advising on climate and community-destroying fossil fuel projects.
— ASTM Luxembourg (@Act4Solidarity) June 22, 2022
Our friends in Tokyo, Japan delivered the message to ICBC: don’t fund EACOP, finance a Just Transition to a renewable energy future.
It’s ICBC’s shareholders meeting TODAY! Send a letter to ICBC now #StopEACOP
— Go Clean ICBC (@GoCleanICBC) June 23, 2022
Our volunteers are joining the #StopEACOP campaign because we believe that climate leadership begins with shifting the flow of money away from fossil fuels.
You too can take action now
#GoCleanICBC @GoCleanICBC— 350Pilipinas (@350Pilipinas) June 16, 2022
Mit einer Petition fordern Betroffene die weltgrösste Bank @ICBC dazu auf, sich aus der East African Crude Oil Pipeline zurückzuziehen. Wir haben sie heute stellvertretend bei der Schweizer Vertretung von ICBC eingereicht. @stopEACOP @GoCleanICBC— campax (@campaxorg) June 23, 2022
#AdanayaTemizHava için,
yeryüzünün nefes alması için
ICBC’den;Kömür projelerini desteklememesini,
Hunutlu proje yatırımını geri çekmesini,
Yaşam hakkını gözeten projeleri desteklemesini talep ediyoruz!
Destek için:— 350 Türkiye (@350turkiye) June 23, 2022
#GoCleanICBC ,los afectados de EACOP se reunieron para pedir a ICBC que muestre un verdadero liderazgo climático dejando de financiar los combustibles fósiles y financiando en su lugar las renovables. #stopeacop #GOCleanICBC@350Africa @Rukiya_Khamis @EUgreenresearch
— Center for Citizens Conserving Environment( CECIC) (@cecic_ug) June 23, 2022
Join partners from Zürich, Paris, Johannesburg, London and more cities online in asking ICBC not to finance EACOP! Help flood ICBC’s inboxes
— BankTrack (@BankTrack) June 23, 2022
Most of us can’t be at their AGM today or visit an ICBC headquarters or branch to demand that ICBC shift its finance to more renewable energy and stop funding fossil fuels, but we made it possible for everyone to deliver the message. We’re flooding ICBC’s inboxes right now, and we encourage everyone to join us. It only takes a minute or two to send a letter; just click the button below to get started.
ICBC must realise that its decisions and actions today will have lasting effects on people and the planet for centuries to come. We have the power to move ICBC now, so let’s take this chance.